Margarita Aguilera Gómez

Catedrática de Universidad

Facultad de Farmacia
Campus Universitario de Cartuja 18071 Granada
958241000 ext. 20308

Directora de Instituto Universitario

Inst. Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos "José Mataix Verdú" - Inyta
Avenida del Conocimiento S/N. Parque Tecnológico de la Salud. Armilla. 18071 Granada
958241000 ext. 20308


10:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 12:30


Máster Universitario en Investigación, Desarrollo, Control e Innovación de Medicamentos

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Módulo de Docencia - Productos Microbianos Empleados en la Industria Farmaceutica
Módulo de Docencia - Microorganismos Probióticos: Interés Farmaceutico

Máster Universitario en Investigación Traslacional y Medicina Personalizada

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Módulo III: Medicina Personalizada - Ensayos Clínicos con Fármacos de Uso en Medicina Personalizada

Máster Universitario en Investigación y Avances en Microbiología

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Módulo de Docencia - Control Microbiológico en Industria Alimentaria


Margarita Aguilera is Associate Professor at the University of Granada (Microbiology Department), where she is member of BIO-190 research group since 1998. She is a current member of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INYTA) and also She is member of the Institute BioHealth (IBS). She achieved her PhD PharmD at the University of Granada under the directions of Prof. Antonio Suárez, Prof. Mercedes Monteoliva and
Prof. Alberto Ramos. She has a wide and continuous academic formation along the years: Bachelor Science Degree in Pharmacy (UGR, 1995), in Biochemistry (UGR, 1997), in Food Science and Technology (2012), Master Science in Microbial Ecology (UGR, 1999), and in Biotechnology (UGR, 2002).
She was awarded research grants and agreements in several European countries at the GBF (Braunschweig, Germany); INRA, (Jouy en Josas, France); Yorkill Hospital University of Glasgow, (UK); European Commission at the JRC-IHCP (Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (2006-2008) and at European Food Safety Authority (2014-2018).
She has also been involved in clinical translational projects and management roles with the coordination a Pharmacogenetic Unit at the University Hospital (HUVN-Granada 2008-2012).
Her main character and achievements reflect her multidisciplinary and solid expertise in the fields of microbial taxonomy and phylogeny, omics technologies, gut microbiota culture, anaerobic culturing, pharmacogenomics, genetically modified microorganisms and microbial food enzymes.
She has published more than 100 manuscripts in SCI impacted journals, 14 book chapters, supervised as Director and Co-director 7 PhDs, 2 ongoing, and several 20 Master thesis and PhD students from different programs ( Researcher ID M-8238-2013; Orcid code: 0000-0002-3204-9787; H-index 18).
Principal Investigator of the Reference Laboratory of Microbiota at UGR (Infrastructure Project: 190.470 Euro), PI in six national and international projects and collaborator in more than 20 projects at International, National and Regional under public/private/transfer of technology. Her networking will be very useful for the project development. Moreover, she has a long trajectory seating International and EU programs and courses and she has been involved actively in Innovation training docent Projects funded by UGR.Theses related to the proposal topic and those in collaboration the Hospital HUVN translational clinical unit. She is currently the Coordinator of an European CONSORTIUM: OBEMIRISK- Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Biosphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers. Countries-Institution: Spain-UGR, Belgium-ILVO, Lodz_TUL, Slovakia-UMVP, and France-INRA. GP/EFSA/ENCO/2018/03-GA04 Partnering grant; EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY
AUTHORITY. Duration: 29/03/2019-29/06/2021. Total amount: 200.484 Euro Total cofunding. She will lead two Fellow within the "Hosting sites for EU-FORA. Programme" INYTA-UGR regarding the expertise in MICROBIOTA ANALYSIS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT.
She has been selected for the Scientific and Technical Support in Novel Foods & Nutrient Sources - EOI/EFSA/NUTR/2019/1 (2019-2024). She is member of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM), International Society of Microbiota and the American Society of Microbiology (ASM), International Society of Microbiota (ISM) and SEMIPYP (Society of Microbiota, Probiotics and Prebiotics).